This product are the best seller in our company. most of consumers are from EURO, like France, Italy and England... not only in EURO, on Aussie this a good product selling... BED SET consist of 1 bed no 2 size (230cm x 220cm), 2 nightstand 70cm x 75cm), 2 drawers (80cm x 125cm) and also mirror 100cm x 80cm)... made from teak wood and mahogany wood and also have standardization export quality...
Keren tuh bed setnya.kira2 kalau pesan harganya berapa?jangan mahal2 ya,kalau bisa didiskon 50 persen.he,,,
BalasHapusim so sorry..
BalasHapuscan you speak English???
So Comfort bed.
BalasHapusif i've much money offcourse i wanna order it.
but Give me discount yaa ;-)
BalasHapusfor more product and information you can visit my website